Let’s say that an adjuster is reviewing a suspicious claim. The claimant’s story doesn’t seem quite right, but there’s no way to prove it. Could location data be the answer? Phones continuously communicate with cell phone towers. So theoretically, if something seems wrong, location data could be used to corroborate the story, providing the information […]
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Social inflation is on the rise, and that spells trouble for auto insurers – as well as the policyholders who depend on them. What’s social inflation? It’s a complex concept, but it boils down to this: when insurers face greater risk of getting sued, insurance premiums tend rise in order to balance the scale. The […]
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In days gone by, if you drove your ’79 Ford Bronco into a lamp post, the fix was simple. Replace the headlamp, repair the fender. These days, not so much. “Making a robot that perceives its surroundings — not just spotting that lumpy mass but understanding it’s a child … is the main challenge of […]
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Discover four major benefits telematics can have for auto insurance claims. Read to find out more.
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Driving is up and safety is down. Find out what those trends mean for auto insurance claims in 2017.
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