bydadmin, Author at Silvervine Software - Page 8 of 20
Author Archives: bydadmin

Connected Cars and Telematics Data: Paving the Future


Just a few years ago, usage-based insurance was a new innovation. Now it’s “poised for rapid growth” with “approximately 70 percent of all auto insurance carriers” expected to use it by 2020, according to NAIC. Add the rise in connected cars, and you’ve got a recipe for industry-shaking change. We’ve come a long way from […]

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Digital Engagement in Insurance: Are You Hitting the Mark?


These days, it’s an understatement to say that digital engagement is important. It’s vital. Without the ability to engage current and potential customers, to deliver personalized experiences, and to do so consistently across digital channels, one has to wonder what the opportunity cost adds up to. Digital touch-points – e.g. websites, mobile apps, and other […]

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How Insurers are Using AI to Combat Insurance Fraud


Fraud costs a lot. Of the trillion or so premium dollars that insurers collect each year, fraud eats up $40 billion. That’s a significant chunk of change, and the industry doesn’t absorb it alone: the impact of insurance fraud trickles down to consumers too, inflating the cost of coverage by $400 to $700 per family […]

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How Self-Driving Cars Navigate Moral Decisions


Driving is pretty easy 80 percent of the time. Things get complicated in the other 20 percent. Within that 20 percent, drivers sometimes have to make split-second decisions with life or death consequences. Consider these crash scenarios: An insured swerves to avoid a jaywalker pushing a stroller and hits a concrete barrier. An insured swerves […]

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Insurance Marketing: What Works in the Modern Age


Insurance marketing is challenging. When shopping for shoes, apparel, electronics and cars, there’s image involved. People feel strongly. They have skin in the game. Clearly, shopping for insurance is not as emotionally engaging. Yet, some pitches are more compelling than others – especially with younger audiences. Let’s take a look. A case in point: Lemonade […]

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Auto Insurance Claims Satisfaction: Three New Takeaways


Customer satisfaction is on the up-and-up where auto claims processing is concerned – but when it comes to integrating digital claims reporting technology, insurers have some work to do. That’s according to a new study by J.D. Power. Let’s take a look at the highlights. Customer satisfaction rising Insurers are doing a great job at […]

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Insurance MGA Priority: Make it Easy for Agents


What does the future hold for insurance? If the words “direct to consumer” jump to mind, hold up. Despite the craze for direct insurance that we’ve been seeing in recent years, these days, the middleman is in higher demand than ever. The question is, how can that demand be met? Insurance MGAs are essential industry […]

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Weed Legalization: The Emerging Auto Insurance Risks


The legalization of recreational marijuana is raising new questions for insurers and public safety officials, both of whom share a common interest in keeping intoxicated drivers off the road. Particularly for insurers, big changes in the risk landscape are in the making. Let’s take a look. More cannabis usage = more DUI Legal substances are […]

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How to Shift Insurance Buying Beliefs Before the Next Disaster


Even though natural disasters are on the rise, homeowners aren’t making changes in how they buy insurance – or how much coverage they buy. It comes down to a problem in buying beliefs – so how can we shift those beliefs? Three words: educate, educate, educate. Buying patterns: what’s the norm? Let’s start with some […]

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