Tag Archives for " self-driving cars "

How Self-Driving Cars Navigate Moral Decisions


Driving is pretty easy 80 percent of the time. Things get complicated in the other 20 percent. Within that 20 percent, drivers sometimes have to make split-second decisions with life or death consequences. Consider these crash scenarios: An insured swerves to avoid a jaywalker pushing a stroller and hits a concrete barrier. An insured swerves […]

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Self-Driving Car News Roundup: Insurance Rates, Declining Claims & More


So, what’s happening with autonomous vehicles lately? Buckle up, because it’s time for another news roundup. Questions remain about individual insurance premiums. According to a report by the Casualty Actuarial Society’s Automated Vehicles Task Force (CAS AVTF), it’s high time to consider how autonomous vehicles will affect the premiums that individual drivers pay for insurance. “Quantifying this […]

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